Losing is Great Gain

Losing the weight clicked for me when I could follow at work, at home , and on my phone. That is a quote from the weight watchers commercial. Jennifer Hudson sings praises to the company for her transformation. The song bird loudly proclaims "It's a new day, a new way, a new me, and I'm feeling good". Jennifer is on to something can you see it my fellow believers? I lost the weight when it clicked for me. That one great day when I no longer wanted to live in the state I was in ( just like Jennifer). I signed up for the change by making the call. . I begin to follow the plan, write down what I was taking in on a daily basic and was accountable to my weekly meetings.....bible study and Sunday worship . It clicked for me when I could follow this way of life at home, on my job, and with bible apps on my phone. All of a sudden I was losing the weight and gaining a new way of life. The abundant life, joy unspeakable. I'm also singing the praises to the one who held me close during my transformation ~His name is Jesus He watches my weight. He tells me: therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith. let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Heb. 12:1 NLT